Primary Section

RNS International School ensures an atmosphere and ambience which is warm and nurturing, where our focus is on developing basic skills in the primary wing. We believe that a strong foundation will augur for the students’ future learning. Our core curriculum is enriched with P.E., Art, Craft, Music, Dance, Yoga and Karate and has trained teachers to develop these skills.

Our Primary School curriculum is focused on the spirit of exploration and acquiring sound language skills, clarity of mathematical concepts and understanding of scientific concepts. Students learn through creative activities and to express themselves clearly through written activities like drama, storytelling, poetry, music, puppet shows, discussions and a wide range of artistic and hands on activities.

School outings and day trips help hone their social skills, provide our children with hands-on experiences and help them make connections with the concepts learnt. Our Assessment is an ongoing process in a stress-free environment. We focus not only on academic objectives but also on the child’s personality and emotional development.

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